Arizona Obesity Organization

Membership, Education & Resources

Our vision is that every patient affected by preobesity & obesity receive

evidence-based treatment and coverage for their care.

What is the Arizona Obesity Organization

We are the premier group of obesity medicine and treatment specialists in the state of Arizona providing a comprehensive resource for the latest in disease state and management of obesity.


We provide regular educational events about obesity treatment and obesity-related topics. These often include CME credits and are usually free.


Our newsletter is sent out quarterly and highlights the updates in obesity medicine and past or upcoming events. We are in the process of collating practice tools to implement into your practice.


We have created the Arizona Obesity Collaborative to bring concerned professionals and community members together to work on improving the disease state of obesity. We will focus on clinical education and advocacy to make meaningful changes in the medical, community, payor, employer and political fields. 

Take Action By Joining The Arizona Obesity Collaborative

Join our effort in providing education and advocating to improve the state of obesity in Arizona. We are inviting all professionals with an interest in contributing their expertise and resources.

Join The Movement

Subscribe to join our newsletter and get updates on exclusive content and events.